S*Sweet Scarlet's Provence
01/09/2011 - 12/07/2013
Color: Mackerell blue and white - A03 23
Sire: SW'10 SC.S*Just Catnap's Santos,JW - (SE) SVERAK LO 262731
Mother: CH.S*Sweet Scarlet's Artic Queen - (SE) SVERAK LO 266781
GSD IV Homozygotic normal
HCM / kidneys normal - examination carried out on September 15, 2012 by Doc. Bomassi
Fiv Felv Negative
Provence was a real favorite, the first male of my breeding. He was such a nice big teddy bear, he had adopted Zoé when he arrived, she followed him everywhere like his second mother. He slept next to me every night, he didn't mark. Provence fell ill in June and unfortunately the illness was stronger than him. It was a dark summer for me!
A little part of you is still with me in "Hasta la vista" and "Habana blues"...
I miss you so much...